Coworking Poste Italiane: pilot projects

Client: Poste Italiane

Services in this project:
  • Final design
  • Technical design
  • Technical and economic feasibility design

The objective of the project is to redevelop and reconfigure the interior spaces of buildings no longer used for the regular operations of the Italian National Postal Service (Poste Italiane) in order to use them for coworking activities serving citizens. 

Specifically, the Polis project will create up to 250 spaces available to private clients such as freelancers, students, professionals, and start-ups looking for office space, as well as companies, organisations, and institutions across Italy.

Thanks to the collaboration with our technical partners, TStudio and D2User, in addition to developing the reference guidelines for the subsequent implementation of the Polis Project, we developed integrated blueprints for 9 projects located throughout Italy, which were identified as pilot projects. These were divided into the following categories according to their dimensions and characteristics: small coworking spaces (average area of roughly 100 square metres), medium (approximately 450 square metres) and large (about 1,500 square metres).

Some of these premises, approximately twenty, are located in historic buildings in major cities, including the Italian Post Office buildings in Rome, Naples, Trieste, Ragusa, Lecce, Pisa and Nuoro. An additional 230 properties have been made available in smaller towns, including the towns of Gangi outside Palermo, Monfalcone in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Eboli in Campania and Isernia in Molise.

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