Port of Ortona: Confined disposal facility - New multipurpose terminal

Client: SEASTOCK S.r.l. (Walter Tosto S.p.A. group)

Services in this project:
  • Concept Design
  • Preliminary design

Walter Tosto SpA produces and exports, around the world, nonstandard pressure tanks size, which needs a larger area inside the port of Ortona. 

The project has concerned the construction of a new Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) filled with sediments resulting from the dredging of the port seabed.

At the first phase of the design, a procedure has been allowed, named ‘Functional Technical Adaptation’ in order to get the permit for the construction of the CDF without awaiting approval of the Port Master Plan.

During the feasibility stage, various options have been studied with regards to the confinement facility: rubble mound breakwater, pile walls with or without a backfilling of rock mound, etc., taking into account costs, wave reflection phenomenon, structure stability under wave action during the construction. However, the definitive choice has been postponed to the detailed design phase, when the geotechnical characteristics of the seabed is needed will be known.

The design includes a proposal for the layout of the yard which will be partially occupied by an LPG coastal storage facility. The free area is intended to the handling and stocking of big dimension goods, mainly for steel and metallurgical industries at high technological content.

The design involves the yard paving, an access gate, roads and utilities such as the lighting and stormwater drainage system.


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