Software for supplier qualification and occupational Safety manage-ment

Client: BT Italia

Services in this project:
  • Software development

A software platform was developed for BT Italia to manage the entire supplier qualification process, capturing key information in the system, collecting documents to be approved and retaining them over time.

Qualified suppliers were given the opportunity to participate in the activities, whether construction or maintenance, through the Platform. Individual activities were recorded for process management and archiving documents required by standards and legislation.

With this system and based on the information uploaded and shared among the relevant professionals involved in the validation process, the Client's Technical  Managers (in Italy, Responsabili Tecnici del Committente -RTC) or Health, Safety & Environment Managers (HSE) can directly generate critical documentation directly from the portal:

·        the Corporate Risk Information Sheet (Scheda Informativo Rischi Impresa - SIRI)

·        the Operational Safety Plan (Piano Operativo di Sicurezza - POS)

  • the Unified Document for the Evaluation of Interference Risks (Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi da Interferenze - DUVRI)

More specifically, we performed the following activities:

  • the digitisation of the supplier qualification process and management of supplier confirmation and renewal processes
  • the translation of occupational safety management processes required by current legislation into a set of computer-assisted procedures
  • the coordination of activities and management of communications and relations between all the professionals involved in the safety management process: contractors, suppliers, companies, safety professionals
  • the management engine for the collection and approval of documents in supplier qualification processes and the creation, sharing, validation, archiving and search of documents in maintenance and construction activities based on workflow procedures

Project highlights and key factors:

The management of the supplier qualification processes of the entire BT Italia supplier network:

  •  200 + qualified suppliers
  • classification according to product classes
  • supplier vendor rating and monitoring

·        safety management in compliance with Italian legislative decree 81/08

  • 250 maintenance activities are managed annually on the Platform
  • 100 construction site activities are managed annually on the Platform
  • digitised process for the drafting of the Italian statutory Unified Document for the Evaluation of Interfering Risks (Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenti - DUVRI)

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