Press Release
2025 Budget Approval
Financial Calendar Integration
DBA Group acquires 60% of Proyectos IFG and enters the spanish market
2025 Financial Calendar
5.8 million Euro agreement for IT Services with the Clinical University of Ljubljana
Clarification regarding the consolidated results as of 30 June 2024
The Board of Directors approves the Consolidated Results as of 30 june 2024
2024 Financial Calendar: update
DBA Group presents the Sustainability Report
Extraordinary and ordinary meeting of DBA Group shareholders
Shareholders' Meeting: first call deserted
Filing of documentation relating to the Shareholders' Meeting
Call for Shareholders' meeting
The Board of Directors of DBA Group S.p.A. approves the 2023 statutory and consolidated financial statements and proposal for dividend distribution
DBA PRO. acquires remaining 25% stake in SJS Engineering Srl, already 75% owned
2024 Financial Calendar Updating
Internal Dealing Daniele De Bettin
Internal Dealing Francesco De Bettin
Internal Dealing Raffaele De Bettin
Internal Dealing Stefano De Bettin
Effectiveness of the split of DB Holding in favor DB Partecipazioni
Closing of the Treasury Shares Purchase Plan
The board of directors reviews the preliminary 2023 data and approves the 2024 Budget
New project in Egypt
Periodic information on the purchase of treasury shares
Resignation of a member of the Board of Auditors
Update on treasury share purchase program
Board of Members Approves Consolidated Results to 30 June 2023
Update on treasury share purchase program
Integration to the 2023 financial calendar
Presented the First Sustainability Report of the DBA Group
Periodic information on the purchase of treasury shares
Start of new treasury share purchase programme
Closure of treasury share purchase program
The Board of Directors approves the 2023-2026 industrial plan
Appointment of the President of the Board of Directors, assignment of powers and determination of compensation
Publication of the minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting and summary report of the votes
The path in favor of e-mobility continues: new assignment for engineering services for DBA Group
Shareholders' meeting of DBA Group S.p.A.
Deserted Shareholders’ meeting on first call
Deposit of candidate lists of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors
New assignments at the port of Taranto for the new breakwater and the Cold Ironing plants
Green revolution and ecological transition in local transport: assignment for engineering services for a new hydrogen supply system for buses in Modena
Deposit of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting documentation
Publication of notice of convocation of the Shareholder Meeting
Supplement to the press release relating to the approval of the consolidated financial statements and the statutory financial statements as of 31 December 2022
Supplement to the press release relating to the approval of the consolidated financial statements and the statutory financial statements as of 31 December 2022
Variazione calendario finanziario 2023
DB Holding Srl Internal Dealing
IT Infrastructure: new assignment for the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Giuseppe Monti Internal Dealing
Communication pursuant to art. 17 of the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers' Regulations – Substantial change regarding ownership structures
Cold Ironing: assignment for the electrification of the docks at the Port of Civitavecchia
Closed the treasury share purchase program
DB Holding Srl Internal Dealing
Preliminary data for 2022 and approval of the 2023 budget with a production value exceeding Euro 100 million.
Appointment of the new Board of Directors of the Slovenian subsidiary ACTUAL IT D.D.
The closing of the acquisition of General Planning Srl took place with effect from 1/1/2023
General Planning and DBA PRO. come together to strengthen the offer of integrated engineering and project management services to large players in the Real Estate and Industrial sectors
Termination of the contract relating to the sale of the shareholding in Actual IT d.d. to Telekom Slovenije d.d.
Consolidated results as of June 30, 2022 approved
Termination of the specialist mandate of MIT S.p.A. and assignment of the specialist mandate to CFO Sim s.p.a.
Approval date of the 2022 half-yearly report
Acquisition of C&G Engineering Srl
Awarding of the tender for the redevelopment of the historic RAI headquarters
The Shareholders' Meeting approves the financial statements as at 31 December 2021, the purchase and disposal of treasury shares and the sale of Actual IT
DBA GROUP: ordinary meeting called
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated and statutory results as of 31 December 2021. Increase in production value and EBITDA, improvement in NFP
Integration to the financial calendar
DBA GROUP sells its stake in Actual IT to Telekom Slovenije. Refocusing on Engineering, Project Management and ICT services
The Board of Directors reviews the preliminary consolidated financial data for 2021 and approves the 2022 Budget
Integration to the financial calendar
Integration to the 2022 financial calendar
Financial Calendar 2022
DBA Group: two new agreements in the Balkans
greement with MOL Slovenija: consolidated presence in the market for the digitalisation of energy infrastructures for mobility in the Balkans
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated results as of 30 June 2021
Communication in relation to the market rumor relating to the Slovenian subsidiary Actual IT d.d
Communication of approval date of the 2021 Half-Year Report
Digitalizzazione Pubblica Amministrazione slovena: ancora un incarico per DBA Group
Digitization of Slovenian Public Administration: another assignment for DBA Group
SAP solutions for the University Medical Center Maribor
Assemblea Staordinaria e Ordinaria
DBA Group confirms itself as ICT strategic partner of the Community Health Center in Ljubljana
Assignment for the creation of the digital BIM model of the technological systems of the Smart District “CHORUS LIFE” in Bergamo
Calling of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Resignation of the President of the Board of Statutory Auditors
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated and statutory results as of 31 December 2020
New framework agreement with the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration
Publication of the date of the board of directors and shareholders' meeting for the approval of the 2020 statutory and consolidated financial statements
DBA Group announces a new order in Egypt
Signing of a framework agreement with SNAM
New financial calendar
DBA Group designs the Data Center that will host “Leonardo, the super computer with 250 million billion operations per second.
Terna assignments for over 1 million euros
Communication of changes to the share capital
Closing of the third and final exercise period “Warrant DBA Group 2017 – 2021”
Errata Corrige: the Board of Directors approves the 2020 preliminary data, the 2021 budget and the financial calendar
Il Consiglio di Amministrazione approva i dati preconsuntivi 2020, il budget 2021 e il calendario finanziario
Superbonus 110%: DBA Group stringe accordo di partnership con EKO PLATFORM Srl
Apertura del terzo e ultimo periodo di esercizio dei “WARRANT DBA GROUP 2017-2021″
Porti: incarico per la Direzione Lavori e il Coordinamento per la Sicurezza nel Porto di Gioia Tauro
Delibera dell’operazione straordinaria di fusione per incorporazione della società DBA S.r.l. nella società DBA GROUP S.p.A.
Assignment to ACTUAL IT from Plastika Skaza d.o.o. for the implementation, hosting and maintenance of the SAP information system
Incarico a CFO SIM per l’attivita di Equity Corportate Broking e Research, nomina Investor Relations Manager
Approval of the 2020-2023 Business Plan
Communications regarding the postponement of the presentation of the new Business Plan and the appointment of the new Specialist
IT services: signing of the agreement with the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated results as of 30 June 2020
Partial and proportional split operation of DBA PRO. SpA in favor of the newly established DBA Srl
Termination of the mandate of Specialist of CFO SIM Spa
Communication of the 2020 half-yearly Board of Directors date
Related Parties
Contract for the supply and management of IBM zSeries server infrastructure with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia
DBA Group shareholders' meeting
Publication of the documentation relating to the Assembly
ERRATA CORRIGE in relation to the extract of the notice convening the Shareholders' Meeting published on 30 May 2020
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated and statutory results as of 31 December 2019
Il Consiglio di Amministrazione approva i risultati consolidati e civilistici al 31 dicembre 2019
Errata corrige: Financial Calendar 2020
Approval date of the annual financial report as of 31 December 2019
New order for the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration.
New Financial Calendar 2020
DBA Group arrives in Bulgaria: a new Port Community System for the ports of Varna and Burgas
Provision of the key information document (KID) relating to the 2017-2021 DBA Group warrants
COVID-19: Update on restrictive measures on production activities
COVID-19: Measures to support operational activity for the purposes of Regulation 596/2014
COVID-19 emergency: DBA Group also operational with Smartworking measures
Internal dealing_modified communication
Internal Dealing
Internal Dealing
IT services for the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration: DBA Group announces the signing of the contract
The Board of Directors approves the 2019 preliminary data and the 2020 budget
Project Management activities continue in Azerbaijan in the Telecommunications sector
Provision of the Key Information Document (KID) relating to the 2017-2021 DBA Group Warrants
DBA PRO. is born, the only Italian operating company of DBA Group
IT services for the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana: DBA Group announces the signing of the contract
Provision of the Key Information Document (KID) relating to the 2017-2021 DBA Group Warrants
DBA Group announces the 2020 financial calendar
Suite of software and hardware products for service stations (GL+): distribution agreement signed for the Italian market
Reducing the Coastal Erosion Project, Phase II: DBA Group wins a tender in Romania
DBA Group in Bulgaria: contract signed for railway shunting for Port Rail Ltd
DBA Group meets investors and presents the 2019-2023 Business Plan
DBA Group develops the New National Maritime Single Window for Transport Malta
The Board of Directors of DBA Group approves the 2019-2023 Business Plan
DBA Group S.P.A announces the closing of the acquisition of UNISTAR LC d.o.o.
DBA Group: the Board of Directors approves the consolidated results as of 06/30/2019, approves the forecast to end 2019 and confirms the closing of the Unistar acquisition for 09/30/2019
DBA Group S.p.A. enters the utilities market: framework agreement with Iren
DBA Group update regarding the extension of the terms for the acquisition of Unistar LC, d.o.o.:
DBA Group announces the commercial collaboration with Arcelor Mittal on Engineering and Project Management services
DBA Group announces the merger project of the companies DBA Lab and Actual Italia into the company DBA Progetti
Ultra Broadband Network: DBA Group announces the signing of 4 Framework Agreements for an amount of up to €12.8 million
DBA Group announces the acquisition of UNISTAR LC d.o.o.
DBA Group announces the entry of Finest into the share capital of DBA IT doo
Negotiations underway for the acquisition of Unistar LC doo
The 1,500,000 Price Adjustment Shares (PAS) cancelled: update of the composition of the share capital
Izola (Slovenia): DBA Group con la slovena Telekom e la spagnola CMS gestisce l’informatizzazione dell’ospedale
DBA GROUP S.p.A. announces the availability of the presentation for the AIM Italia Conference 2019
Cancellation of the 1,500,000 Price Adjustment Share (PAS)
The minutes of the meeting of 30 April 2019 have been made available
DBA GROUP was awarded the technical consultancy role for the design of the h-campus according to BIM standards
Shareholders' meeting approves the 2018 financial statements and authorizes the board of directors to purchase and sell treasury shares
DBA Group takes charge of the digitalisation of the port of Rijeka in Croatia
DBA Group announces the availability of the documentation relating to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares
DBA Group closes 2018 with a significant increase in revenues and begins 2019 with double-digit growth in the Backlog.
DBA Group announces the closure of negotiations with Thetis S.p.A. for the activities of the ITS (Intelligent Transport System) branch
Provision of the Key Information Document (KID) relating to the 2017-2021 DBA Group Warrants
DBA Group announces the extension of the contract with Italtel
DBA Group wins a framework agreement with SPEA S.p.A.
DBA Group announces the 2019 financial calendar
DBA Group brings Italian know-how to Azerbaijan for the Fiber Optic Network
Data processing centers and control rooms MOSE system: DBA Group and Fasweb are awarded the contract
DBA GROUP S.p.A. concludes the acquisition of SJS Engineering
Internal dealing communication
Establishment of an industrial partnership with Thetis S.p.A. for the activities of the ITS (Intelligent Transport System) branch
The Board of Directors approves the consolidated results as of 30 June 2018
DBA Group announces preliminary revenues for the first half of 2018
DBA Group comunica i ricavi preliminari del primo semestre 2018
DBA Group announces agreement between CargoX and Actual IT (DBA Group): port logistics becomes entirely digital with blockchain
DBA Group announces the acquisition of 100% of Actual IT d.d.
Related parties
DBA Group announces two new orders in the ports of Livorno and Ploce in Croatia
DBA Group announces contract worth approximately 13 million euros with ITALTEL
Resignation of the non-executive director Alioscia Berto
The Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2017 financial statements and appoints two directors
DBA GROUP S.p.A. announces the acquisition of SJS Engineering
Provision of documentation relating to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
DBA Group closes 2017 with a slight improvement compared to forecasts
Update regarding the EDITA offer
Resignation of Directors Stefano and Daniele De Bettin
Claudia Marcolin from the Northern Adriatic Sea Port Authority to DBA Group
The ASMARA project contract has been signed
Provision of the key information document (kid) relating to the 2017-2021 DBA Group warrants
Free assignment of n. 300,000 warrants in favor of employees of DBA Group and group companies
New offer presented for acquisition of Edita business unit
Financial Calendar 20198
DBA Group presents an offer for the acquisition of a business unit
DBA Group in charge of specialist assistance for the design of the Gronda di Ponente special systems
DBA Group exercises the Greenshoe option
DBA Group and the Port Line platform in the new Port of Baku
DBA Group in Azerbaijan for audit of the Fiber To The Home project
DBA Group admitted to listing on AIM Italia.