The company has a well-established vision on energy transition. "For several years now, we have created a new division dedicated to this topic to strategically organize the energy-related expertise we have accumulated over many years of activity." – Raffaele De Bettin, CEO of DBA Group.

"Hydrogen allows for the closure of circularity in terms of both matter and energy. It does so as an energy carrier, to be used where it makes real industrial and economic sense, but also as an intermediate element for further transformation steps and as a key to closing the CO2 circularity in the production of synthetic gas or biomethane," said Angelo Artuso, Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Transition Division of DBA PRO.

The Group is involved in various projects: "We are working in Modena on hydrogen-based ground mobility, with Padua-based H2C for advanced air mobility, and with NatPower H for hydrogen distribution in the nautical sector. These are all scenarios where using hydrogen makes operational sense, as it solves real problems related to onboard storage space, weight, and significantly reduced refueling times."

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