Information for Shareholders
Main consultants
Euronext Growth Advisor |
Specialist |
Financial calendar
Board of Directors
Approval of the 2025 budget and the main KPIs -
from 03/26/2025 al 03/31/2025
Board of Directors
Approval of the draft financial statements and consolidated financial statements as at 12/31/2024 -
from 04/28/2025 al 04/30/2025
Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Approval of the financial statements as at 12/31/2024 and presentation of consolidated financial statements as at 12/31/2024 -
from 09/25/2025 al 09/30/2025
Board of Directors
Approval of the consolidated half-year report at 06/30/2025
Shareholders' Meetings

Minum lot size
Emarket SDIR
For the transmission of Regulated Information, the Company uses the EMARKET SDIR distribution system managed by Teleborsa S.r.l. – Rome, Piazza di Priscilla, 4.
Number of issued and subscribed shares and assigned warrants
Ordinary shares: 11.513.300, whose 471.900 treasury shares (last updated on December, 29th, 2023)

Warrant Regulation
Key Information Document (KID)
relating to Warrant DBA Group 2017-2021
Main Shareholders
(last update on December, 29th 2023)
- DB Partecipazioni S.r.l.: 43.62%
- Treasury Shares: 4.10%
- Market: 52.28%
Analyst Coverage
Obligations for Shareholders
Pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Regulation, the shareholder who holds at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of DBA Group S.p.A. is a “Significant Shareholder”.
Exceeding the 5% threshold and reaching or exceeding the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 32%, 50%, 66.6%, 75%, 90% and 95% constitutes a “Material Change” that must be notified by the Significant Shareholders to DBA Group S.p.A.
For this purpose, within five trading days, starting from the day of execution of the transaction that brought about the Material Change, the Significant Shareholder must notify the DBA Group of: the date on which DBA Group S.p.A. was notified; the date on which the Material Change in the shareholding occurred; the price, amount and category of the DBA Group S.p.A. financial instruments concerned; the nature of the transaction; the nature and size of the shareholding of Significant Shareholder in the transaction.
Notification can be made using the attached form, with prior notification sent by email to corporateaffairs@dbagroup.it or fax to +39 0422 693511 with subsequent original sent by registered mail to DBA Group S.p.A., Viale Felissent, 20/d Villorba (TV)